Qualifications to Receive Zone Benefits

Requirements vary within the MCEZ. To determine whether your project qualifies for zone benefits, please review the details below:

In Unincorporated Area:

a) Must be within zone boundaries

In Woodstock:

a) Must be within zone boundaries
b) If manufacturing/office/warehouse: at least $250,000 capital investment and create/retain 20 FTE jobs
c) If other commercial/retail: at least $150,000 capital investment and create/retain at least 20 FTE jobs
d) Not available to residential development

In Harvard:

a) Must be within zone boundaries
b) Applicable only to commercial/industrial or manufacturing projects

In Marengo:

a) tbd
b) tbd


Still Have Questions?

Please contact MCEDC, Enterprise Zone Administrator, with any questions about the application, required documentation or process.

Phone: ( 815) 893-0895.
Email: info@mchenrycountyenterprisezone.com

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